10 Must have Ingredients for a Recipe called Life!


A very wise man once said that tough times don’t last, but tough people do, and we couldn’t agree more. However if you look closely and observe it is always the brave that prevails over strong one and the only difference between the two is will power.

2.Best Friend’s :

Like they say we all need a special someone, and then there’s that one person who rescues us when that so called special someone shows their true colours ! (Did i just prick a nerve their). We all know that we cannot live without that special friend’s, and while every duo or trio is unique in their own way the tag line remains constant “Beer peete peete batiyo kya hua ”

3.Ability to start over:

Remember when Kabir sang to Aditi and said “Raat ke badh hi toh savera hota hai ” That is precisely what we mean here. No matter what ended, was lost, or taken away from your life. You must assure yourself that not only will it get better with time it will make you grow as well. and as they say that most beautiful surfaces are the ones built on rock bottoms!

4.Healthy relationship with family:

Needless to say, family comes first! A research states that people are more comfortable about things that are not supposed to change , and bingo. This is the underlying reason for the comfort you feel with your mom, the assurance you feel with your father, and oh well we all love our siblings for reasons we still don’t know.

5.5 year plan:

Unlike our governments, we hops and pray that it works for you! Do this one any way you like, but just do it.The efforts can vary from a crowded vision board – diary- to the not so used notes app on your phone.As they say a goal is just a dream without a plan


Having talked about the importance of plans we could not leave dreams behind. Well yes you cannot plan unless you have a dream and also, they are the most effective channel of your subconscious reaching out to you, so millennials not just hold on to that impression but also embrace it !

7.Cherished habits from childhood:

Doctors all over the world have established that people who relive childhood moments reduce chances of any heart disease by 56%. The essence of reliving the experience brings back the carefree scenario of good old days thus results in happy you and happy heart!

*Goes for cotton candy with the post still pending*

8.Bucket List :

As far as we know there is literally one in a million chance that you will be reborn as a human, so guys please follow Bunny from YJHD, and steal some moments worth eternity  from super busy hours !

9.My bit of Kindness :

A hand that gives is never empty and a heart with that kind of willingness is always full, If you done your bit you are aware of how good it feels when someone smiles because of your simple efforts and if not, we strongly urge you towards a deed so pure that blind can see and deaf can hear !

10.Gratitude and Faith :

Being Thankful for what you have is the only way you can make way for more, and having faith states that there is indeed a invisible power that will turn your dreams into reality. Ace manifestor and author of The Secret Rhonde Byrne states that people who practice gratitude first day in the morning have a 67% more chance of leading a happier life than those who don’t!

So Folks, add up those, stir a little and you are ready for the adventure called life !

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