At Last, The Untapped Gold Mine Of Lee Voshberg That Virtually No One Knows About!

Lee Vosburgh is a creator and designer who values comfort, quality, and simplicity. She is the owner of the Style Bee portal. She explores a variety of topics on Style Bee, including travel, interior design, simple beauty, and personal style. When she needed a creative outlet to explore her love of fashion, she started this modest online space in 2013. Since then, it has developed into a global forum for those searching for more conscious style options, outfit inspiration, and closet contentment. She has a degree in design from OCADU and worked in advertising for more than ten years before starting this website. When Lee is not creating new entries, you can find her cuddling with her dog Dobby, getting rejected by her cat Evie, or working, exploring, and listening to records with her husband Dave when she is not creating new ones. Her interests include fooling around with paintbrushes; experimenting with new foods; enjoying a glass of wine in the evening, and reading or listening to inspiring podcasts.

where everything began Lee was extremely dissatisfied with her general closet, spending habits, and sense of style at the start of 2015. She was continually attempting to “keep up” with rapid fashion trends, purchasing the newest sundries, and filling empty creative spaces with material possessions, but she was never happy with any of it. Lee felt confused about who she was and ashamed of the amount of time, money, and mental energy she was devoting to her wardrobe. Her closet issues were essentially her inability to avoid the revolving door of trends, excessive expenditure, an unclear sense of personal style, and general sentiments  of exhaustion and dissatisfaction. She made the decision to start a lean closet campaign at the beginning of 2015 in order to get rid of the superfluous and pointless “stuff” that was cluttering her wardrobe and attitude toward my enduring passion for fashion. She then made some specific goals for the coming year.

 Lee then started delving further into many facets of buying, individual style, and closet organization. As a result of those exercises, she created a number of topics and activities to guide both herself and her readers on their own paths to wardrobe satisfaction. A visual table of contents of each step she has taken so far in this assignment is provided below. Lee urges the users to continue since she found the procedure to be incredibly satisfying and illuminating. Her new closet goals include spending less time, effort, and money on clothing, defining her personal style, feeling good about every piece she adds to her wardrobe, being content with less, saving money, and spending more time enjoying the important moments.

Lee has given users a toolkit to help them define their personal style, which includes all of her advice and insights for conducting a closet edit, taking the 1010 challenge, thinking about your style story, identifying shopping triggers, defining your personal style, creating a core color palette, and going on a shopping fast. Lee has personally tried each stage and gone back to it several times. She credits this method with a large part of her present grasp of style and closet satisfaction. Lee hopes that people would benefit from these tools.