Christelle Patt: Without Driving Yourself Crazy

“We all have a purpose in life, to be happy doing what you like the most, to help others in any way you can, and to seek peace.”   –  Christelle Patt

Christelle Patt is an actress and TV host from Mexico.  She is an animal enthusiast, keeps a travel blog, and has three dogs: Pelusa, Maa, and Gru. Sushi and Mexican food, including vegetarian versions, are two of her favourite foods. She was born in Mexico’s CDMX, but she now lives in Canada. Christelle is graduated in International Relations and spent several years as a television host in the sports and entertainment industry, which she really enjoyed.

She made the decision to risk everything in order to travel the world and share her experiences with all of you because she always felt like there were too many places to see and people to meet.  She resides in Vancouver, Canada, but was born and raised in Mexico City. she has three kids, and she was a “want to be” photographer. She enjoys being in outdoors and eating food, especially Japanese and Mexican. Her family supports her as she makes her way to her destination, and her spouse is both her travel companion and favourite personal photographer.

Her life’s purpose is to motivate others to travel by sharing the knowledge she has gained from her travels. Many people claim to be afraid of travelling alone, while others claim they lack the time or resources to do so. However, she has discovered through her travels that all of these issues can be resolved with the right tools and information, and she now wants to assist others in taking the vacations of their dreams. Christelle runs a page called The Pink Travel City that was motivated by her travels both alone and with others so she could learn from each trip.

Christelle is the one that publishes blogs about technology, travel, and lifestyles. She will provide you advice on where to go, what accommodations to pick, and a variety of thrilling and comforting new locations across the world. She will lead you to various locations throughout the globe and point out the numerous locations that are best suited to you personally. Patt has a keen interest in sports, and he occasionally expresses his ideas about it on his own blog. She has already “archived” a few of these, including one that discusses the National Classic and another that explains how to distinguish anti-Americanists.