Georgia Harding Giving Us Some Great Well-Nourished Meal Ideas

Georgia Harding is not just a food blogger; she is more than that. A wellness and fitness expert about which she loves talking. When taking food into consideration she prefers a lot more healthier options rather than just the regular binging on anything. When talking about what made her do this? She replied, “There are multiple options in the world to eat and we focus a little less on nutrition and eat whatever comes up”. She felt the need to start a blog about tasty, easy recipes for optimal health and real life. She prepares meals from wholefood and her aim is to encourage kids eating healthy food and diet. She spends a lot of time thinking about food and most of her recipes are her creative imagination. Her recipes have been featured on, Food and many other websites. 

A naturopath by heart and freestyle cook by profession with 20+ years of experience in managing and guiding patients about health and wellness stuff. She lives in Queensland, Australia with her family. She prepares meals and cooks delicious food every single day. She has in store something for everyone. The inclusion of Carbs, proteins, and fats are her go-to options which she experiments with on a daily basis. There comes the issue of digestion and intolerance when eating unhealthy or high-rise foods. Harding’s food ideas are always there to help you always. She has a list of foods that should be avoided that you might think are healthy but actually not. Foods that swap to improve health, foods that are genetically modified and safe to eat. She also makes sure to keep away from processed items and opt for fresh fruits instead. In one of her blogs about processed foods, she wrote “Is Margarine or Butter Healthier? 

You can have some healthy option spreads or top for a crazy mix of tastes. A great spread recipe is so enticing to share here. 



Coconut oil

Coconut butter

Extra virgin olive oil

Give it a mix and there you go spread the spread on toast and all and enjoy!

The nut butter brownie made by Georgia Harding was so wholesome and easy for kids to pack a lunch for. They will feel full and not hungry for a long time. If you add a bit of sea salt it would taste even more fragrant. It is so simple and healthy. Since she believes in healthy eating and has experimented with hamburgers too. At least she realized that it would turn out so well nourished. You can sneak in some extra veggies in between the burger and give it a hint of barbeque. 

Anticipated? I am already off to my next meal. See ya!