Hazel: Living up to her dreams after 7 years

Hazel is a quiet and modest young lady who has a single goal in mind for her life: to bring joy and honour to her family. Seven years have passed since she left home to pursue a career in medicine, during which time she has entirely lived independently. Being a woman who places a high value on family, Hazel finds it challenging to be away from her loved ones so that she can pursue her passion for studying.

Hazel is a daddy’s (father) girl because her father is the one who makes her dreams come true and provides her with the best experiences in life from the moment she is born. His father’s number one concern was and has always been Hazel.

During those seven years in medicine, Hazel had a lot of fun, but she was also constantly exhausted, particularly during her internship. Going to the doctor or the hospital was a chore for her. The idea that Hazel could become a doctor and help sick people one day was never particularly appealing to her. Hazel’s life was a living hell because she had to face each new day with the knowledge that she had to report to the hospital for several hours, which were both lengthy and burdening. Hazel was living in someone else’s dream (her parents & society). Since she was a young girl, Hazel has always had the ambition to make a successful businesswoman. And she never saw the doctor in her dreams. Hazel doesn’t have the slightest bit of second thoughts about her decision not to take that path. She is content, but one thing she does regret is not quitting her job sooner.

Fortunately, Hazel has many friends with whom she can spend time to make his medical school studies easier for her. They enjoy hanging out together and tasting food from a variety of restaurants.

In addition, one of Hazel’s favourite ways to relax is to ride her bike around Singapore and take in the sights. Because it makes her feel more relaxed, the atmosphere of sunrise and sunset are two of her favourite times of the day. So, immediately after receiving her medical degree, her mother finally set her free and encouraged her to make the most of the rest of her life. And at this point in her life, she is acting on the goals she has set for herself, which include cultivating her interests into a career path.

She attended school for fashion marketing and received her degree in that field. And at long last! She finally experiences the joy and tranquility she has been searching for the past seven years. She was primarily posting content related to fashion and lifestyle topics on her account. Since she was a little girl, Hazel’s favourite hobby has been combining and matching different clothing items because it motivates her to be more successful and create more valuable things.

Hazel was very vocal to her followers, reminding them that they shouldn’t be afraid to follow their dreams because you only live once, and you should live for yourself, and she said this in an obvious way. It is never too late to start over. Do not let your fear prevent you from taking chances. Hazel admitted that she was a coward and that it took her seven years to follow her dreams finally. Therefore, if she was able to accomplish it, so can you. Never let your dreams get in the way of your reality. It is not about doing things that will make your family proud; instead, it is about doing something that will make you happy and improve your mental health. You have earned the right to live your life; now, go and pursue your goals.