Leanne’s ‘being good’ weight loss tips

Leanne is a weight loss coach and takes special care about her eating habits, lifestyle and workouts. Food habits are one of the most important lessons you learn while growing up. While this may look very easy it turns out really dangerous if not learnt or taken care of well. One jumps from this cycle of good eating habits to other certain food habits, to suddenly feeling out of control. Imagine all the amazing things you could be doing with the time that you spend worrying about weight and how you look. If you could finally get this right, how would you be living? Would it mean finally being present with your partner? Would it mean finally having free time to grow your career?  We jump from this cycle of ‘being good’ and only eating certain foods, to suddenly feeling out of control with cravings and giving in. It’s exhausting and even worse, we get caught up in all the talk of self-hate. What if the issue was never with you, but rather with your method?

She would do so well with my ‘diets’ until she would have a bad day or feel stressed and would use food as my comfort. She would think about all the delicious food she couldn’t eat. she felt like she had to fight myself every time her cravings would come up. she would resist until one day she would cave in. she could never stop at one, and always ended up eating the whole bag. she was never satisfied until she had overdone it and felt the guilt & regret. One day she decided she was done. she was done being tired from all the negative self-talk. She was done feeling terrible about herself. She started digging deeper, into her relationship with herself and food. Once this happened, everything fell into place. Now she has helped thousands of women do the same. 

She wants to show you how to achieve consistency in a way that FEELS good. To lose those 10lbs, 20lbs or even 50lbs!

You’ll be able to eat all your favorite foods, but your relationship with yourself will be different.

It’s simple, easy and lifelong.

Going back and forth was exhausting and I honestly felt like I had tried everything and that it was never going to happen. Here’s the thing, if you don’t have the correct tools, the cycle will always continue no matter what diet you try. Consider this. There isn’t much a flashlight can do without batteries.

There are so many diets out there that only emphasize following the right meal plan, keeping track of your calories, or listing all the stuff you shouldn’t eat.

This only serves to perpetuate the idea that losing weight requires fighting our own nature and that we must do so in order to succeed. It says nothing about the underlying reasons why we eat when we are not hungry.