Noelle Lin: Where There’s A Whisk, There’s A Way

We have always looked up to and respected the style of life that Noelle Lin leads on a personal level since it is the kind of life that we, too, have always desired we could have. Noelle Lin had a strong interest in fashion from a young age, and one of her initial goals was to pursue a career in the fashion industry. But these days, in addition to being a beauty influencer, she is also a cake maker, which basically elevates her to the level of the best.

One of the most important sources of motivation for Noelle Lin has always been nature. It takes her to some of the most amazing places in the world and gives her ideas on how she can incorporate those ideas into her cake designs. In her eyes, a masterpiece is built up from its details.

Because of this, she experiences a sense of satisfaction whenever she brings an idea into existence. It’s not because she sees the stunning design she crafted; instead, she sees the joy and happiness on her customers’ faces. Noelle Lin enjoys her job baking since the cake represents a happy occasion. Not only the entirety of the globe but also all of her capabilities. Her philosophy in life is “You Only Live Once,” and the reasoning for this philosophy is that she believes we will never learn something new if we don’t give it a shot. She even admitted that it’s her motor whenever she does something that makes her feel like she’s acting crazy or foolishly.

Melted SG is a business that specializes in creating dessert tables and personalized cakes. The company’s founder and baker are Noelle Lin. When questioned about who she is, she even introduces herself as a “baker who works full-time.” However, this is not all! Not only does Noelle Lin bake desserts, but she also prepares various meals; she is also the founder of Chibaobao Singapore, a restaurant in Singapore that focuses on seafood.

Also, she enjoys the kitchen and is always trying new things, especially with soup! Noelle enjoys making soup and exploring new ways to prepare it in the kitchen. In addition, she is currently working on a company known as “Lululuna Co,” although she has not disclosed much information about it yet.

Noelle is a self-proclaimed foodie who relishes the opportunity to spend time in the kitchen. Her go-to pastime is to get cozy with her dog, put on a horror movie, and read or watch something creepy on her phone when she has any free time.

Noelle has a deep and abiding love for all kinds of animals. Peanut is the name she has given to the dog she has had for the past seven years. She has had Peanut for the past ten years. Peanut is only one of the many things in her life that brings her happiness and satisfaction. Even when asked about it during an interview, she stated that if she had to choose between her partner and their dog, she would go with the dog. It is an ironclad rule for her not to date any man who does not adore Peanut, her puppy. She will not make any exceptions to this policy.