Post Break Up Glow

The first few days after the break up are the hardest, you are in the most clueless position a person can be, you are looking for happiness at the exact same place where you lost it, you believe that the only person who can fix you, is the one who has been breaking you all along! The moments when you are reflecting at your memories for your ex and wondering why! Then why is it that, just a few days after the break, you start feeling so much better, every place is a happy place, and you start feeling younger and wiser! 


Because, Stress of breaking up << Stress of being in a bad relationship  


Detox: Because once you stop feeling bitter you start getting better. In our consciousness we realise that the person whom we treasured the most has left our life, however its our subconscious that is thinking one step ahead realising that the one who is gone has probably gone for good. This is the moment when you start growing out of those bad moments without even realising it.

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Detox simply states that a seed of goodness has been planted and is soon to grow out into a blooming flower! 


Hormones Hanukkah : The worst thing a person can make you feel during the break up is that you are unwanted. If you are on the receiving end of the break up there is a more than 90% chance that you have already evaluated yourself to the lowest point in the universe. However once all that drama and chasing is over and you move into the period of no contact! 

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You start to grow out of these feelings, the more you move away from the last words of you ex the better you feel. This is when your body triggers and releases sex hormones, escalating your status to the diva you are! 


360degree Improvement :At the last stages of the relationship, your whole life starts revolving around your significant other, and all your efforts end up in that one same place. However once you are done for the good. You have a lot of time, energy and money at your disposal to do all the little things that are good for you and only you! 



Our top picks would be: Going on girls day out, buying something you wanted from a long time & signing up for your favourite hobby! 

Because you meet your significant other : Once you part ways with the person you thought you needed the most, you actually meet the person. Yes we are talking about your ourselves. Once you realise that you are the only person responsible for your own happiness there is no looking back! 

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Becoming a Whole: Because you have already met your significant other you are now complete in every sense. The day when you start doing things for yourself is the day you have won the battle.This is the time when you find beauty in ordinary things, and because now is the time that you don’t need validation from any other person you glow from the inside out! 

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Channeling Raw Emotions: The first few days after a breakup can be the hardest ones, and the emotional outburst a person goes through can never be explained in words. You are going through pain, rage, anger and all this while you are holding on to a little thread of hope. However once you let go of little thread, and start channeling your emotions those are the decisions you will be thankful for. 

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Signed up for zumba classes, to have that hourglass figure? Planned a trip with your girl gang. Finally started working on that dream start up.Some of those momentums are sure to bring the best out of you! 


Attention: Because, the days when you used to sulk in bed about how he spoke to you, or the time you wasted doing nothing but waiting for his call or text. All that time is now yours and only yours, and once you start doing as you please there is no turning back. Because all those lonely and miserable hours have now transformed into parlour spress and long walks.

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Getting out with your Friends: Your girl gang or your college buddies were waiting to come back waltzing into your life as soon as that fuck boy makes his much awaited exit.Not only you will get distracted in their company. They will make sure you realise how much you are worth and after a long time you will be having hearty laughs straight out from your heart, and there is nothing more beautiful than that. 

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Inside Out : Once you leave your troublesome past behind, your mind and body start fixing themselves to their original setting of being healthy. Because now you stopped crying, stopped feeling unwanted, there are no more sleepless nights, no need to sacrifice your self respect and what not! Your body starts releasing hormones of well being, you have your new found confidence and most importantly you have your most precious 8 hours of sleep. And, as they said happy girls are the prettiest! 

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You are your own Boss: As simple as it gets, you are allowed to do, wear and feel as the way you like it, and anyway it’s high time that you start wearing your favourite dress, ad adorn your most favourite shade of lipstick.(and all the other things you didn’t use, because he didn’t want you to! ) and walk around with that new found confidence! 


Because, Breakups are the best way to start over, and look for the “Good” in the “Goodbyes”