Ragini R : She Made it 

— Brave Enough To Start–

The situation at hand is Ironically Ironical, because this blog feature is dedicated to one and only Ragini Nag Rao a lady who was brave enough to find a way amongst the road of challenges and here we are, thoroughly researched and deeply impressed and yet super clueless as to how to start. She is an inspiration for all and that to on so many levels, that we are just staring at the screen waiting for the article to write itself because it just isn’t possible. However we would like to start and what better way to start than the journey of this inspiration. 

Ragini R actually started her journey with whatever she which was namely a less than accepted physical appearance, offbeat thinking, power to embrace it all and a standing willpower to take whatever comes her way.She teaches her fashion, self love, body positivity, evolution of style over the years but most importantly she imparts a spirit that you have the right and the power to be unapologetically you!