Silly Things We All Have Done at School

Because we all hated that morning alarm, and loved that “Chutti Wali Bell”. We all disliked Maths those never ending maths periods and those “Itni jaldi kaise khatam Hogaya ” P.T Periods. The annoying moments when we got to know that our best friend was absent to the Yippie moment when that irritating teacher was on leave. No matter where you are, what are you up to slight remembrance of those days and you will roll down the memory line, with a huge smile on your face.

Foil Balls

This was probably one of the few things that didn’t hurt us while at school. Boys at School would eat their lunch faster than the speed of light, gather around collecting all the foil they got and bam they have their cricket kit is ready. Just pick up a rough notebook and they are good to go!

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Book Cricket

The only one that girls could also play, and again the only game we played during classes. Kudos to the only 52 runs i ever made.

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Stealing Tiffins

This one was my favourite, Me and my so called gang were well aware of the people who got the best lunch boxes and where they sat. The mission was triggered during Assembly time as well as P.T periods. However i am well aware that my parents fed me well and it was a terrible thing to do, I still don’t regret it!

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That Painting

The painting was something that first boyfriend we have all loved to much! Knowing the fact that there were insane amount of stuff wrong with it, we would still draw it time and again. Like why the hell didn’t we realise that there was a lot wrong with the Painting. Sun and river placed exactly in the middle of the mountains, one single tree standing alone for no reason, a small hut and a man on the other side of the river stream, and again for no reason the house and the man were alone.

Failed Mass Bunk

The backbenchers planned it better than the Chandrayaan Mission and the first benchers co-operated just like our Politicians! — Nuff said guys

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Mobile Phone

We all did our best and still got caught and as much as I would like to advise you all to believe only in Karma and Hard work the fate of your mobile phone was pure destiny. The teacher who found out, did she choose to drag you to the principle or not, did she find the other bitchy teacher in the staff room and so on! Everyone has their own version of this story!

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Silly Table Games

I am solemnly talking about pen fights and the bridge game we used to play. My hindi teacher would have made millions by selling the pens she confiscated each day because we were playing pen fights. Also the only reason I ever carried a sharpener after 4 Th. grade was to play the bridge game .

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That Irk Thing

You would need only two ingredients and you can do this today itself!
So, get some glue and a red pen and you are more than good to go. Spread some glue into your hand and peel of some at the edges, colour the part red, and go out and about trying to peel the remaining glue. Trust me, I can remember how the boy in front of me used to do it just as I am writing this article

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Bestie’s Birthday

It began with sitting with her when she was in her casuals and going about the whole building distributing toffee’s to planning her birthday with her boy friend and sneaking her cake to the classroom.

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Splitting out a pencil in half just minutes before the exam because your bestie forgot to bring one, and cutting down the eraser with the help of a ruler because again they forgot to bring one of their own.

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–One Place Million Memories–