The One TEDx Talk That Gave Saloni Srivastava A Complete Turning Point

Nowhere do we come across people who switch from their satisfying job lives to small businesses or startups. However, this story that we are to share with you isn’t at all a sad to a happy professional success story. Wait, let’s spill the beans about the Bengaluru based entrepreneur, Saloni Srivastava! Before letting you guys know who she is, let’s take a dive into who she has been. Saloni is a pass out of one of the most prestigious institutions, Symbiosis School of Economics, Pune. She has worked at multiple MNCs and was in the peak moment of her life when things were to get even surprisingly better for her.

As she was heading into her career with an excelling MBA degree and a well paying job, her life seemed to be the most appealing to everyone who would look at it back then. Although this doesn’t sound any different today too, the only difference is that she realized it wasn’t her true professional calling. As she shared in her TEDx talk, it happened one night that she was virtually watching the same- a TEDx talk! The activity that the speaker had assigned to the audience was to “visualize our lives five years down the point” with the same lifestyle. And you guessed it right, that was the very moment when it hit Saloni that this is not the kind of professional life she would want to live.

The unanswered self of Saloni slept that night but the questions were still ringing in her mind. Despite the fact that it was her dream life, it didn’t “excite” her. As Saloni continued with her talk, she spoke about how she truly wanted to make an impact in every possible human life with her career. Instead of generating mere sales, the young entrepreneur wanted to go for something more than materialism. For Saloni, her professional life is as important as her personal. She wanted to have that freedom in her life that a job takes away from you. The most interesting thing is that Saloni was still at her job when she began her journey on YouTube to inspire millennials and create the change she aspired to. This is where we are introduced to her second turning point.

Minimalism was the concept which made it easier for Saloni to make the choice her heart wanted. She was able to move forward with her business venture without falling sick while juggling between the two. Today, her business operations make 4 times the money of what her job would pay her and yet she has all the liberty she ever wanted in her dream life. The EdTech entrepreneur and influencer, doesn’t highlight her life with the money, instead, she saves it up for her travel goals and follows minimalism.

HustlePost Academy is her EdTech company that is growing with her motive to hone the business skills in solopreneurs, small businesses and startups! This brainchild of Saloni was an outcome of her immense popularity owing to her business venture Upfluen. Upfluen is the first  Indian e-commerce platform for influencers that came into existence in 2018. Everyone wanted to pave a path for themselves just like Saloni. After receiving multiple queries through various platforms, the entrepreneur within her led her to create another business venture. The most surprising fact is that it was 2020 when she founded Hustle Post Academy. At a time when businesses were being shut down, Saloni followed her passion and in a couple of months, her hard work started paying off. Currently, she is a popular business coach at her venture and at the same time a promising influencer on LinkedIn, Facebook, Instagram and of course YouTube.