We Love Joey: 10 Reasons why Joey Tribbiani was the Best

I am really thankful to be born as a 90’s child, because I didn’t have to wait a whole week for the latest episode of FRIENDS. We all have loved the show, and evolved with it. We were always humoured by Chandelier’s wit, Blown away by Phoebe’s Logic, Irked by Monica’s rules, Followed Rachel’s fashion sense and somewhere down the line we agreed with Ross, that they were indeed on a break! However my personal favourite would always be joey. Because joey made me laugh, he portrayed what best friends are for, he was super good looking and most importantly because Joey, doesn’t share food! 

–How You Doin–

He is so very dreamy : He is the best looking guy on the show, and there are no second thoughts to that. He looks chocolaty and charming at the same time, and there are moments when we just can’t get enough of him. 

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*Thanks heavens for Italian guys and shoes*

The perfect Best Friend : I love my best friend to death knowing the fact that she will never save me some fries from her Happy Meal. What on earth did Phoebe do to deserve a friend who would give up his favourite food for her. This in the ultimate sacrifice in the book of millennia’s and we applaud Joey Tribbiani.

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Ambitious: There is this person, who believes that he will be the best actor and then there are those of us who never have enough faith in our dreams. Kudos to Dr. Drake Ramoray !

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Joey doesn’t share food: Because this one is so much relatable on so many levels that we fail to put this one into words. The moments when he fought for his fries and when he ate his date’s desert, well we feel yaa bro.

Image result for joey and food

Got Your Back: The way he supported Monica and Chandeler,  during their initial relationship phase, is the perfect example that if you have one good friend who would do absolutely anything for you. We applaud the times when he took it on his own self respect and saved the duo. 

Image result for joey knows about chandler and monica

Flirty as Hell : The moments when he interacted with girls at the coffee house, gave away free stuff. The way he charmed women off with his cute personality oh and the way he looks up and down just moments before his signature “How You Doing” well that is indeed to die for.

Image result for joey flirting

Ultimate Support: Standing ovation for the way he stood up and wanted to marry Rachel, when she was pregnant. Because anyways all girls have a huge soft corner for the guys who love babies, and well Joey volunteering to support Rachel through all of this. Related image


Brb *Crying*

Rumour Has It: They claimed and we believed that no matter how lame Joey Tribbani when he is speaking, he has a certain powers and expertise in other important areas and that certainly makes him more and more dreamy.  

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Pet Lover : His love for chick and duck is the perfect example of purity and selflessness. He played with them, was proud of their accomplishments as funny as they maybe.Naming the chick after their favourite model and fighting with chandeler to spend more time with them are the moments that touched heart.

Image result for joey with chick and duck

Kid at Heart : This one is no biggie, however he had the guts to bring out the child and let him be whatever he wants to be. The way he loved hugsy and was not afraid to show. A big shout out to that one. 

Image result for joey and hugsy