What makes Alicia Bell unstoppable and different from others?

aliciToronto’s fitness queen takes us on a different journey of another level. Gone are the days when it was taboo for women to go out and hit the gym. It’s still been seen in a stereotypical way but not in the eyes of Alicia Bell. She is way far ahead. Even men feel envious of her energy.

Alicia is all over social media these days because of her unmatchable coolness. She is a trained Kinesiologist (one who studies the human body movement scientifically), a personal trainer as well, a nutritional coach, Track & Field coach, a published Author, a fitness Model for Zenzation, and a first-ever signed Brand Ambassador for Puma, Canada.

She has worked with a number of personalities in multiple commercial ads. A podcast on her name is also doing the rounds. A highly enthusiastic personality on social media as an influencer and speaker.

A fearless lady

With every achievement there comes a set of challenges and one who beats it can achieve anything. Challenges prevent us from reaching our goal and we, as survivors and fighters, make it possible to achieve that goal. The same happened with Alicia Bell too.

She was not the person whose spirits can be dampened by any means. She always decides to stand up and move forward even after facing a rupture and tear in her muscles and fracturing her tibia. She is fearless.

Once asked how it feels to be under the radar all the time by fighting this much damage and Challenges. She quipped,

“Challenges are part of life and if you don’t have them, life gets boring”.

She has gone through major accidents as well such as whiplash, getting her hand cut off in car tracks, road raises, and whatnot. And as if it wasn’t enough, she found herself enrolled with a malignant tumour that needed tons of chemotherapy to be cured. But who could have stopped her?

Major achievements

She is a recognised track and field coach coached by Team Canada and went on to win 13 medals under her name. She is a head coach of Ryerson University apart from major other achievements.

One thing she learned and taught us all influences out there is that nothing is impossible, really!! Only we have to be honest and consistent with ourselves then nothing can hinder achieving the results we wish to see.

She is unbreakable, unstoppable. She is Alicia Bell.

She is currently serving as an NCCP facilitator and a private coach in speed training.