Stressed is desserts spelled backwards!! FOOD IS MOOD-LIFTING. Want to have a desert which is healthy and cools down your body during this summer? Then definitely, ARROWROOT CUSTARD is the answer. This is one of the favourite desserts of keralites. we call it "koova kurukiyath". This is consumed during the "thiruvathira festival" . This festival is celebrated in the month of dhanu(december/january) as the bithday of Lord Shiva. The women of kerala observe fast for the whole day as an offering to Lord Shiva. Also, teen girls take this fast for family prosperity and in the beleif of getting perfect husband like Lord Shiva. During this fast they can consume only few dishes and arrowrrot custard is one of them. This custard is not just a desert but also a mixture of healthy food items as it contains -arrowroot which is loaded with good amount of potaSsium , iron and vitamin B which is good for metabolism, circulation and heart health. -coconut which has manganese, important for bone health. also rich in copper and iron -kerala banana which is rich in calcium, phosphorurs, iron and fiber. -jaggery which is loaded with antioxidants and minerals like zinc and selenium, which helps in preventing free radicals. Arrowroot custard also helps in cooling down your body. This makes it a perfect healthy and summer dessert. what an healthy dish to binge on your sweet cravings!!!! #foodlover #foodblogging #healthyfood #creatorshala #creatorshalablogger