My body is my right. ✨ She is so thin, She is short, She is dark in complexion, she is fat, blah blah blah . Nobody in this world is build perfect, Everyone is perfect in their own way. In and out, and you have no right to tell them otherwise. If I want to just wear a bra under my blazer, it's normal. Showing your skin is normal. Normalise, free your body. Do what makes you feel comfortable. ✌? Modesty is my right. Going naked is my choice. Shedding clothes is my choice. Once- "The next time I get a girlfriend, she will be tall, not like you." take each taunt as a compliment and move on. I say marry a short girl because they give the best hugs and could listen your heartbeat easily too. ? Irrespective of what the world wanted me to be, I love the way I am.? Be proud of your Skintone, Height, Scars etc. because you are one of a kind. ?? "If you got it, flaunt it!" #flauntinyourownstyle