Have you always wondered what it would be like to participate in a MUN? Or perhaps you have participated in MUNs before but think your performance could be better? Well, we have got just the right training for you ? . International Model United Nations (IMUN) presents a FREE MUN training for all IMUN participants. This online training will cover the basics of IMUN: Committee Sessions, interesting topics, delegates and their role, in-depth research on the country you are representing, position paper submission and more ✅ . Learn what a Model UN entails and how you can win that coveted Best Delegate title! Go from 0 to a 100 as you navigate the landscape of international diplomacy, team leadership and collaboration. This is a training you will carry with you through all other MUNs ? . Limited time offer, only for IMUN participants. Register now for IMUN 39.0? . . . . . #InternationalMUN #mun #imun #modelunitednations #imun2020 #youth #globalopportunity #opportunity #conference #international #internationalconference #diplomacy #leaders #youngleaders #unitednations #un #munconference #online #onlineconference #onlinemun #webinar