

Follow on Insta: #tophatlifestylee Dear twenty-twenty,? Thank you for being so tough, thank you for all the discomfort, thank you for making us pause, reflect and grow as humans. As 2020 comes to an end, I realize how crazy this year really has been. I like most others are reminiscing the past year. A lot of us were stuck at home, some without family and friends. But humans are resilient creatures and every one of us tried our best to survive, and we did.? Every year I write goals for my next year and read them before the year ends. One of the things that I focused on was my relationship with myself and the Universe? The year had its own unique way to teach us some of the most valuable life lessons. It was work and creativity where I found my happy place later this year. As I am a Blogger & Influencer, I am extremely grateful for all the brand projects, features and hard work that went into growing my little digital space.? Closing 2020 with gratitude. Thanks for giving me good moments amongst the hard times. Praying for better times in 2021.?? And special thanks to my friends @theweddingtasveerjaipur @nitigandhi20 @rahulluhadia @saransh_maheshwari @04mija who motivated me and stood with me and of course my followers. So be happy and be safe and look forward. The new year will be our year! 2020 was a learning year and I certainly learned a lot. #goodbye2020 #tophatlifestyle #beautifulmemories #bringiton #newyear2021 #doyourthing #nye2020 #happymoments

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