❤️ World Red Cross Day ❤️ "With each helping hand, we can bring a big change in the lives of people around us. Happy World Red Cross Day" May 8 is observed as the World Red Cross and Red Crescent Day. Every year, the day celebrates the principles of the “International Red Cross and Red Crescent Movement”. The celebrations aim to pay tribute to the volunteers who participated in the event as well as welcome their precious contribution to helping people in need. Mainly, World Red Cross Day focus on the food shortage, natural calamities, war as well as diseases of the epidemic. Henry Dunant was the founder of the Red Cross as well as the founder of the International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC) in 1863 in the Country of Switzerland of Geneva. He was a high-profile person and became the recipient of the first Nobel Peace Prize. There are almost 97 million members and also many Volunteers which are of the Red Crescent as well as Red Cross. They are honored to do every task for the humans for providing them relief to the Worldwide which consists of the 170 Nations. There are about 240 Lakhs people are profited by the help of the Workers of the Red Cross activities. #worldredcrossday #redcrossday #redcross #stayhomestaysafe #helpothers #unitedwestand #coronafreeindia #lockdown #quarantine #uzmaseasyrecipes #creatorshala