
Brand Name By David Crane , Marta kauffman and Kevin S Bright
Category web series
Product Type Sitcom


Now , where do i start from? Friends is like the most popular show among the youth today and it was aired 26 years ago if i may add. A show that started 26 years ago and it still has more watch time than all the new shows combined speaks a lot about the kind of show friends is. I started watching it four years ago randomly on comedy Central. Little did i know it will become my therapy.?? I am not even exaggerating when i say friends is my therapy , it has pulled me out of every negative mood ever , made me feel happy , made me feel positive. It is not just a sitcom , it’s a “feel-good” show. The show has a spark to it that cheers the mood of audience up. Also , to be very honest a lot of times it has given me that stomach aching laughter that we all need in our lives. The storyline is also attractive revolving around the lives of six adults. They display a kind of friendship , a kind of proximity that we want in our lives. Their friendship and their loyalty to each other is the most beautiful aspect of the show. I’ve watched it over 10 times and i still can’t get enough of it. It’s like a show i never want to stop watching, like ever. I suggest friends to everyone out there , i am sure it will make you feel a lot of more happier and a lot less negative. #reviews #friends #creatorshalablogger #reviewtime #webseries