

Follow on Insta- #tophatliestyle Our skin deserves the best care, love, and natural skincare routine.✨ My grandmother always encouraged me to use #naturalskincare Products And I found @momsmadenaturals ? These natural skincare and haircare items keep your skin/hair healthy, glowing and heal it from the inside and not just the outside. Also, you can use my code INTHL (Top Hat Lifestyle) and get 15% extra discount. Make sure to check out their bridal and trial kit! ?? . . . . . . #natural #pure #organicskin #madeinindia #instadaily #instagood #cleanandgreen #skincareblogger #skincarefirst #naveena #tophatlifestyle #stylewithnaveena #bringiton2021 #iloveskincare #skincaredaily #skincareaddiction #easyskincare #bodyscurb #facehealer #fashionbloggerstyle #naturalproducts #momsmade #skincareherbal #jaipurblogger #oxidisedjewellery

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Ruhi Syed

4 years ago


Thanks @nathabit.in for sending freshly kitchen made ubtan face mask and nutri hair mask. These 100%organic and freshly kitchen made products are highly recommended. LAVENDEE CHARM DAILY UBTAN Acne control for both oily & dry skin Hydration & moisture-locking round the clock Blackhead & whitehead removal Dullness & pigmentation relief Ultimate therapeutic effects with stress relief Baby soft extreme smooth & healthy skin Detox from dust & pollution TRI-LEAF NUTRI MASK 360 degree hair & scalp nutrition for healthy, strong hair Severe hairfall control Repair of dry & damaged hair Repair of color or chemically treated hair Super shine & bouncy hair Frizz control without losing bounce Dandruff & other infection removal Oil balance on scalp . . . . . . . . . . . #beauty #naturalproducts #nathabit #promotion #beautybloggers #beautyinfluencer #beautyhacks #beautycreations #naturalproductsthatwork #naturalremedies #freshproducts #promotionalproducts #bloggersofindia #beautytips #makeup #cosmetics #dressyourface #takecareofyourself #selfcare #selfcareissacred #selflove #comfortableinmyskin #takecareofyourskin #takecareofyourskin #takecareofyou

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Turmeric is probably #1 on everyone's granny's priority list. @bluenectar_ayurveda Nalpamaradi Tailam with Turmeric is a classical Ayurvedic Oil prepared using Grandma recipe. . Nalpamaradi Tailam nurtures skin, moisturizes skin, may help to improve appearance of uneven skin tone and pigmentation with regular usage. Natural active ingredients such as Turmeric and Sandalwood Oil, known for their antioxidant and remedial properties help skin to nourish and hydrate naturally. . I usually use it 30 to 45 mins before going to shower. I use it around 2 times in a week and it's really works wonder to my skin. My skin is so dry so it moisturize it and also gives a glow after a regular use. . DM for collaboration. . #bluenectar #bluenectarayurveda #bluenectarayurvedicoil #ayurvedicoil #oil #bodyoil #massageoil #skincareroutine #skincareproducts #skinoil #skin #naturalproducts #beauty #care #madeinindia #kotamakeupartist #kotaphotographer #kotarajasthan #kotamodels #kotamkeupsrtist #kotaphotography #kota

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