

Ronak Shah

5 years ago

SEEK THE TRUTH Everybody wants to be on top...⁣ ⁣ but not everyone is willing to climb the steps to get there. The step which is the hardest part. ⁣ When people see what I do, they see the fun parts, books podcast, etc., ⁣ They see the thrills of traveling, the incredible opportunities⁣ I get. ⁣ ⁣and all the success. ⁣ BUT, ⁣ What they don’t see is the sleepless nights, the challenges⁣ all the sacrifices I made over the last two-three year's ⁣ The truth is, no matter what industry you go into, there will always be the not-so-glamorous parts that you have to go through to get to the top of the game. ⁣ Believe me, anyhow you have to go through it. ⁣ Thing is not everyone is willing to go through them. ⁣ ⁣ People don’t see me carrying my own emotions, troubles, etc. They don't know how depression changed my life. ⁣ Imagine the level of sadness, all worries, killing myself inside a room. ⁣ But in the end, it’s okay because I’m doing what I love even the hard parts.⁣ ⁣ If you want to become a successful preparation to do the same.⁣ ⁣ Embrace the good and the bad and worst too. ⁣ Because of no matter your industry, there will be challenges in one form or another. ⁣ ⁣ The climb is worth reaching the top. ⁣ ⁣ Start climbing today. You’ll get there.⁣ ⁣ If I can do it then definitely you can. Start working towards it. But ?❤ if you're in #bookstagrammerindia #bookstagrammers #readingislit #bookishfeature#bookishpost #bookalicious #bookpic #indianbookstagram #indianbook #happyreading #businessbook #bookvideo #bookishcandle #caption #bookadict #booka #bookaweek #abookaday #bookblogging #bookchat #bookstgram #ronakshah #contentcreator #bookstacks #bookatored #bookstagramit #bookster #indiamauthors #indianauthor #bookseller

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Ronak Shah

5 years ago


Ronak Shah

5 years ago

Confession TIME I am lazy! (Sometimes) I try to figure out many things by myself. I was struggling with mental health. I tried to get rid of it by myself. Who can relate? And eventually, I broke down. The problem is I stuck seeking help. Was something wrong with me? No Eventually, I realized. It's okay to fail It's okay to wait It's okay have early sleep late morning It's okay to ask for help. It's okay to have not all things figured out. Life is all about finding what you're good at and what you suck at. What you're good at makes you strong. What you are stuck at makes you weak. In this ask for help. Remember, ?greater than?? In the whole process, my constant support partner is books? Today would you like to confess something? #life #philosophie #punebloggers #indiantravelblogger #indianblogger #bookstagram #advice #caption #captionsforinsta #captions #love #instlove #wordsofwisdom #wordgasm #wordoftheday #wordporn #storytime #travelcapture #thoughts #foodforthought #digitalmarketing #marketingdigital #successquotes #succulents #ronakshah

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