

A Day dedicated to Avocado ? #onmytoast guacamole spread with toppings- cherry tomato, boiled egg, pomegranate seeds, flax seeds, chia seeds and watermelon seeds. . . Follow me on Instagram. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . @creatorshala #creatorshala #risingcreator #followme #foodv#? #avocadotoast #avocado #avo #avacadotoast #guacamole #avacado #avocadodye #avocado? #toast #bread #avocadolover #avocadorecipes #avocadolove #avocado #avacado #breakfast #wholefoods #healthyfood #eggs #healthandfitness #weightloss #breakfastofchampions #foodbloggers #brownbread #toasted #cherrytomatoes #pomogranate #flaxseeds #chiaseeds #foodphotography

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Tony C Davis

4 years ago

Get fit with a towel while babysitting. This should be interesting #weightloss #shibboleth #fitness

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obesity problem solution।।Health tips শরীরেরচর্বিওমেদকমানোরউপায়।।পাতলাহওয়ারউপায় Video link???????? https://youtu.be/bZLJKSvVK-s #obesityproblemsolution #obesity #weightloss #obesity&weightloss effectiveyogaposes helpsinweightloss #yogaforweightloss #fightingobesity #loseweightquicklyandeasily #reducebellyfaT #howtoloseweight #hindi #homeremedy #fat #sarvangasanabenefits #parshacandrasan #ardhacandrasan #paschimottanasana #chakrasanaforbeginners #naukasana #naviasan #sonatips #পেটেরচর্বিকমানোরউপায় #পাতলাহওয়ারউপায় #যোগব্যায়ামেরদ্বারাপাতলাহওয়ারউপায় #একমাসেরমধ্যেকিভাবেপাতলাহওয়াযায় #মেদকমাতেকিকরাউচিত #চর্বিকমানোরসহজউপায় #ব্যায়ামেরমাধ্যমেচর্বিকমানোরউপায় #শরীরেরচর্বিওমেদকমানোরউপায়

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Hey guys , today i want to share my weight loss story with you all. My family , relatives and friends use to say u are very fat and u should loose some weight to look good . So these things hurted me a lot . After that i got disturbed and a kind aggression came into me tgat i should prove them that i can loose weight . Then, I started my gym and diet and when i started my weight was 69kg and within 3 months I loosened my weight to 53Kg so almost i dropped 16kg weight within 3 months and till now i m maintaining my body. So guys everyone can do this but u have to focused and confident towards your goal. #fitness #fitnessstory #gym #diet #before #after #weightloss #gymlover #goals #fitnessgoals #model #fashionblogger #follow #like #comment

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