

Yanik Kumar

4 years ago

Yes, Starting from today. New Vlog is up, umm just a info video about my past uploads. Well tbh, vlogs will be uploaded on the basis of regular interval now. Might be possible 1-2 in a week. As I've decided to grow slowly and vlog while travel and vlog my whole week or month. So for Feb only I'll be testing out my efficiency. And then again start my vlogs. But chill out some interesting videos in between will be out in between all that stuff. Will update you soon. Make sure to subscribe and like. #youtube #hustle #crushingit #creatorshala #blogger #vlogger #vlogs #vlogging #creator

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Yanik Kumar

4 years ago

Today I've decided to hustle and continue further in my journey over to do many things to be the one. Since 2014 I'm working on my things and in 2018 I tweeted this thing and will make everything happen. If you want to follow my journey make sure to follow me on Twitter. I tweet informative things too. #creatorshala #twitte #creator #content #vlogs #vlogger #vlogging #blogs #blogger #blogging

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Yanik Kumar

4 years ago

Today, I'm going to start my hustle. I did hold on for long and I'm going to hustle for my dreams along with doing the things I can't ignore. By the way I'm going to write up my experience and daily stories on my Facebook page: https://facebook.com/yanikkumarBM I'll be posting my daily stuff so that you can read about my life what's happening. #content #creator #creatorshala #facebook #vlogger #vlogs #blogger #blogs #blogging #vlogging #lifestyle

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Ankana Pal

4 years ago


Yanik Kumar

4 years ago

There was a time when I feel so free of myself that I'm lost in the world of my vlogging. The moment I could capture in my 16mp 720p point and shoot ? camera and with limited amount of memory 16gb but I never stopped myself from doing the crazy things exploring and exploring. This vlog reminds how I feel the air of my own place. #vlogger #vlogging #vlogs #creator #youtube #youtuber #camera #influencer

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Yanik Kumar

4 years ago

2018 travelling was great I started my vlogging journey and started exploring the places differently and started capturing each and every moment of my life, #vlogs #vlogging #vlogger #youtube #journey #influencer #videos #creator

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Yanik Kumar

4 years ago

The Very First Vlog I've Ever Made is still to edit but the way I was started this journey is the best way because the place I choose to vlog was my homeland i.e. Himachal Pradesh. I started shooting vlogs madly with my small point and shoot camera and here is that my first posted Vlog Ever. #vlogs #vlogging #vlogger #youtube #journey #influencer #videos #creators

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Yanik Kumar

4 years ago

It's time to change the way I was working for my social skills. Today it's like a game changing day. But I remember the last time I started this channel and started my vlogging journey that day and today I'm here still hustling hard to do what wanted to do. That is be on camera. #vlogs #vlogging #vlogger #youtube #journey #influencer #videos #creators

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Yanik Kumar

4 years ago

Okay I'm new here on this platform but I guess I found out the best place to continue as I'll be getting more options to look for here. Also this is the thing that will give me more ideas to work upon. This video gave me more motivation to work on the thing I love to do #vlogs #vlogging #vlogger #youtube #journey #influencer #videos #creators

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