

Ankana Pal

4 years ago


Ankana Pal

4 years ago


Yanik Kumar

4 years ago

2018 travelling was great I started my vlogging journey and started exploring the places differently and started capturing each and every moment of my life, #vlogs #vlogging #vlogger #youtube #journey #influencer #videos #creator

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Yanik Kumar

4 years ago

The Very First Vlog I've Ever Made is still to edit but the way I was started this journey is the best way because the place I choose to vlog was my homeland i.e. Himachal Pradesh. I started shooting vlogs madly with my small point and shoot camera and here is that my first posted Vlog Ever. #vlogs #vlogging #vlogger #youtube #journey #influencer #videos #creators

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Yanik Kumar

4 years ago

It's time to change the way I was working for my social skills. Today it's like a game changing day. But I remember the last time I started this channel and started my vlogging journey that day and today I'm here still hustling hard to do what wanted to do. That is be on camera. #vlogs #vlogging #vlogger #youtube #journey #influencer #videos #creators

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Yanik Kumar

4 years ago

Okay I'm new here on this platform but I guess I found out the best place to continue as I'll be getting more options to look for here. Also this is the thing that will give me more ideas to work upon. This video gave me more motivation to work on the thing I love to do #vlogs #vlogging #vlogger #youtube #journey #influencer #videos #creators

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Take memories, leave footprints. ? Missing travelling so much ❤️ What's in your bucket list to travel!? please tell me.☺️ . 8,9,10fab2020 I remember this no one can forget this trip started the journey 7fab. 11:00 pm to Bet Dwarka and we reach the location at 7:30am on 8th morning this tracking trip is unbelievable because truly it's with pure nature, sea sand and sun is the bestest combination to feel you inner soul and I know so much about marine life , food and in Gujarat I show the dolphins and the sunset and sunrise incredible journey with nature. . #travelling #trekking #betdwarka #Gujarat #exploring #sunday #missingtravelling #tbt?? #memories #love #life #beauty #travel #neture #seasunsand #journey #piku #bollywood #journeysong #covidsucks #unnatigandharva #gandhinagar #influencer #reelsinstagram #travelreels  #cshalatraveldiaries @creatorshala

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Kya kehna hai? Sahi bola na... They gave us the platform where we can share our thoughts our styles our choice of food, places to visit and there are so many who appreciate us.... Thanks creatorshala #creatorshala#blogging#lifemasti#newways#turningpoints#journey

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Richa Garg

4 years ago


I'm sharing my journey as a young mom to a single mother, read below..? Ok, so I was 19 when I got married and after 4-5 months I found I'm pregnant. I felt good yet worried also how will I manage all the things with this baby because I had continued my studies as well I got disturbed but I couldn't get my self to get rid of this baby even for the sake of my studies and my age. I wanted to be educated only. I just didn't want to stay only a senior secondary pass out so I chose to be a mother who can complete her studies too and take care of her daughter at the same time. Things were getting tough and tough and I started building my self more strong and on her 2nd birthday, I realised that I should raise her alone because there was no one with me for support. My ex-husband and his family also weren't there when I needed them and as a result, I had to to do everything alone whether my studies or chores or my daughter's care there was only me. Everyone was busy in their own lives and I was nowhere! So I decided to take this journey ahead alone for my self-respect and my satisfaction and honestly, I really enjoy being a single mom and I feel no difference till now. I have no regrets and I actually am proud of myself and I believe that one day my daughter will also feel the same❤ . . #lifeofyoungmom #singlemoms #singlemomsstaystrong #momlife #mom #journey #journeyoflife #youngmom #singlemomlife #singlemothers #storyoflife

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