


5 years ago

PROTEIN Why is protein mandatory in our life What is protein?? and how much we need in our daily life... Proteins are essential nutrients for the human body. Protein are macronutrients and is made up of aminoacid that are attached to one another in long chain... and it is found every cell of body.. and every cell in your body require protein.. @ Amino acid @ A macronutrient @ Building blocks of muscles ,immunity, enzyme ,hormone , bloodcell. How much protein do i need ????? @ 0.8 g/kg/day Sedentary @ 1.0-1.6g/kg/day Endurance @ 1.6-2.0 g/kg/day Muscle and fat loss Protein source ! whole foods protein before powder 1 greek yogurt 25g protein,130 calories (230g serving) 2 Eggs 6g protein 70 calories, 1 whole eggs 3 whey 20-30 g calories 120 (1 scoop) 4 Milk 8g protein ,150 calories, (1 cup) Deficiency of protein Delayed growth Loss of muscle mass Thinning hair Skin hair and nail problems Tiredness BENEFITS OF PROTEIN MAintain blood sugar level Stimulates muscle building Improve learning and memory Improve bone health Improve heart health #nutrition #diet #eathealthy #fit #fitlife #eatright #healthy #yoga #gym #lifestyle #transformation #exercise #strong #fitfam #fitness #fitindia #indianblogger #creatorshala

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