


5 years ago

         VITAMIN -E            Vitamin E is a fat-soluble vitamin.It is an antioxidant. This means it protects body tissue from damage caused by substances called free radicals. Free radicals can harm cells, tissues, and organs.The body also needs vitamin E to help keep the immune system strong against viruses and bacteria. HEALTH BENEFITS OF VITAMIN _E  & Prevent heart disease & protest against cancer & Delay signs of ageing  & Antioxidant &  Boost immune system                                    Deficiency * Hair loss * Muscle weakness * Dry skin * Blindness                                              SOURCES @ TOMATOES @ ALMONDS @ COOKED SPINACH @ GREEN LEAFY VEGETABLES @ PEANUTS @ SUNFLOWER OIL #creatorshala #nutrition #diet #healthy #gym #yoga #transformation #fitlife #fitfam #fitindia @creatorshala

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Personality matters alot so be fit eat healthy to maintain yourself #mobilephotography #fitlife

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Personality matters alot so be fit eat healthy to maintain yourself #mobilephotography #fitlife

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5 years ago

PROTEIN Why is protein mandatory in our life What is protein?? and how much we need in our daily life... Proteins are essential nutrients for the human body. Protein are macronutrients and is made up of aminoacid that are attached to one another in long chain... and it is found every cell of body.. and every cell in your body require protein.. @ Amino acid @ A macronutrient @ Building blocks of muscles ,immunity, enzyme ,hormone , bloodcell. How much protein do i need ????? @ 0.8 g/kg/day Sedentary @ 1.0-1.6g/kg/day Endurance @ 1.6-2.0 g/kg/day Muscle and fat loss Protein source ! whole foods protein before powder 1 greek yogurt 25g protein,130 calories (230g serving) 2 Eggs 6g protein 70 calories, 1 whole eggs 3 whey 20-30 g calories 120 (1 scoop) 4 Milk 8g protein ,150 calories, (1 cup) Deficiency of protein Delayed growth Loss of muscle mass Thinning hair Skin hair and nail problems Tiredness BENEFITS OF PROTEIN MAintain blood sugar level Stimulates muscle building Improve learning and memory Improve bone health Improve heart health #nutrition #diet #eathealthy #fit #fitlife #eatright #healthy #yoga #gym #lifestyle #transformation #exercise #strong #fitfam #fitness #fitindia #indianblogger #creatorshala

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5 years ago

BANANA BANANA IS A GOOD SOURCE OF MANGANESE AND DIETARY FIBRE,INFACT, THE SECOND MOST POPULAR FRUIT IN THE WORLD IS BANANA. BANANA ARE HIGH IN ANTIOXIDANT AND HELPS TO REDUCE SWELLING A medium-sized banana will provide around 320-400 mg of potassium, which meets about 10% of your daily potassium needs. BANANA ALSO HELPS TO YOU GAIN WEIGHT IF YOU ADD WITH 1 GLASS OF MILK....IN YOUR DAILY DIET HEALTH BENEFITS OF BANANA @ HELPS GROW STRONGER BONES @ REDUCE THE RISK OF HEART DISEASE @ BOOST BRAIN POWER @ GIVES INSTANT ENERGY @ PREVENT ALLERGIES @ HELPS REDUCE CHOLESTEROL #healthynutrition #healthydiet #yoga #gym #workout #exercise #fitfam #fitlife #strong #befit #ripped #meditation #fitspo #lifestyle #transformation #gains #training #fitnessaddict #creatorshala

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5 years ago

WATERMELON BENEFITS WATERMELON Watermelon is a healthy fruit , It contain 92% of water it also very good for your health.. Nutrients of watermelon 1 Vitamin A 2 vitamin C 3 Potassium 4 Magnesium 5 Vitamin b1 b5 b6 Watermelon also are high in carotenoids ,including beta carotene and lycopene......... HEALTH BENEFITS OF WATERMELON ! PREVENT CANCER ! GLOWING SKIN ! IMPROVE DIGESTION ! BOOST IMMUNE SYSTEM ! CLEAN KIDNEY ! ANTI-INFLAMMATORY ! CONTAIN ANTIOXIDANT #eathealthy #nutrition #healthylife #fitlife #diet #befit #exercise #yoga #fitnesslover #fitfam #creatorshala

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5 years ago

HEALTH BENEFITS OF BROCCOLI --- Broccoli is a green vegetable and it belongs in to CABBAGE family. Many vitamin are found in broccoli like Vitamin A,B,C,E AND Vitamin k and also rich source of calcium..Broccoli is also great for weight loss because it is rich in fibre broccoli maintain low blood sugar and prevents constipation and improve digestion...This also help in reduce bad cholesterol hence, Maintain healthy heart. HEALTH BENEFITS @ REDUCE CHOLESTEROL @ POWERFUL ANTIOXIDANT @ GOOD FOR EYE HEALTH @ PREVENT CANCER @ ANTIOXIDANT @ PROTECT EYES @ HEALTHY HEART @ IMPROVE IMMUNITY FOOD FACTS OF BROCCOLI $ MAGNESIUM $ POTASSIUM $ PHOSPHOROUS $ FOLATE $ VITAMIN A $ VITAMIN C $ VITAMIN K #HEALTHY #diet #fit #fitindia #nutrition #eathealthy #fitlife #getfit #Fitness #Transformation #yoga #gym #lifestyle #fitfam

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5 years ago

VITAMIN B12 VITAMIN B12 CYANOCOBALAMIN Vitamin b12 is a water soluble vitamin. It produce of your red blood cell and DNA and proper functioning of your nervous system. vitamin b12 usually found in animal food like chicken, fish, poultry eggs ,but don't worry if you are vegetarian u can eat spinach,cheese,mushroom , broccoli cabbage.. Deficiency of vitamin b12 ! Weakness ! excessive sweating ! Blurred vision ! Digestive problem ! Sore tongue Benefits of vitamin b12 & support bone health & preventing the loss of neurons & gives you and energy boost & improve heart health & support healthy skin,hair , and nails. #fit #fitlife #nutirition #healthy #diet #eathealthy #yoga #gym #fitnesslover #strong #healthylifestyle #lifestyle

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