

Aryan jain

4 years ago

#TuesdayThoughts stay fit by following these steps : 1. Wake up early in the morning minimum 6 AM and go to bed atleat 10 PM 2. Don't drink to cold water.. 3. Do few stretching exercise if possible. 4. For teenagers and adults do weight exercises but don't lift heavy weight to soon this can cause muscle cramps. Lift it step by step i.e starting with less weight 4. Do few yogic asanas eg. tadasan , bhujangasan , vajrasan, and etc. By following these four steps you will remain fit #yoga #fitness #meditation #yogainspiration #yogapractice #love #yogalife #yogaeverydamnday #yogi #yogateacher #namaste #yogalove #pilates #yogaeveryday #mindfulness #workout #gym #yogagirl #wellness #health #motivation #yogaeverywhere #yogachallenge #yogini #yogapose #healthylifestyle #nature #fitnessmotivation #asana #bhfyp

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I know not everyone gets it. And that’s fine.. some of the time. Most would be pushing it let’s just be honest ??‍♀️? They’ll ask you if you’re upset about something, what’s the matter? something piss you off? Why you so angry? ? Funny how they won’t ever pause to think it might just be the questions when all you’re trying to do is FOCUS. Get through the set, finish the damn reps. Lol. It’s just my focus face guys. I’ll chat later, just here to lift the weights and let my mind body & soul get in sync, do the work. ahhhhhhh. That’s what this is about. Meditative. Stillness-in-the -seconds- in- between. #fitnessinfluencer #fitness #fitnessmotivation #fitspo #fitinsta #fitnessaddict #fitnessmodel #healthylifestyle #healthyeating #healthyliving #workoutmotivation #workoutroutine #trust #rant #ohthefitlife #consistent #discipline #trusttheprocess #motivated #motivation #sore #fitnessinfluncere #creatorshalainfluncer

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It Ain't Over 'Til It's Over. ??? The sun rises every. single. day. No matter if people die, continents drown, wars are waged, nuclear bombs are dropped, or storms ravage cities. The sun rises every day and brings light and warmth into the world. No matter what. Be like the sun. #flexnation #fitspiration #transformation #homeworkouts #ifbb #fitstagram #instagood #creatorshala #creatorshalablogger #fitnesstrainer #malemodel #onlinetrainer #fashionmodel #style #fashion #pullups #backday #nutrition #model #fitnessmodel #fitness #workout #motivation #fitnessmotivation #fit #fitfam #creatorshalainfluencere #gymlife #healthylife #gethealthy DM for Workout & Diet Plans or Mail?- raghuwanshi.sagar32@gmail.com

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Rizwan Fitness

4 years ago


Bobby G

4 years ago


Tushar verma

4 years ago


Tushar verma

4 years ago


Tushar verma

4 years ago


Shakir Rai

5 years ago

Some fitness tips every boy should follow- Make sure you are eating healthy Eat clean food Eat with purpose Understand the basics of building muscles Don't go too heavy Carefully consider cardio Choose supplement carefully Understand strength training basics Find your motivation Understand how to use carbs Hydrate properly #fitness #motivation #fitnessmotivation #usefultips #befit #workhard #creatorshala #blogger

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Gokul Anand

5 years ago