

Ankana Pal

4 years ago


nandini Das

4 years ago

The definaton of health is not only physically fit.. healthy person means person is healthy whe. He or she is fit physically mentally emotionally and socially. Here we discuss about mental health.. as we all know Rose is known as king of flowers. It have medically various benefits in our daily life. rose and rose water used in the cure of many skin ailments, women health, mensuration cramp, stomach complains, dizziness, heartache, cold and flu etc. one of the most benefit of rose and its product is it helps to cure in depression and anxiety.. now out of 10 8 people have depression and mental stress.. they do many meditation try many herbal products but instead of this they cannot overcome it.. most efficient method to fight against depression is rose tea.. so look this report.. Depression/Anxiety Naturally uplifting, Roses have been found to contain certain plant flavonoids that are exhibit antidepressant properties. According to the “Journal of Midwifery and Women's Health”, a study in Taiwan was conducted to discover if drinking Rose tea on a regular basis could reduce the occurrence and severity of menstrual cramping. The study, which comprised of 130 women, discovered that consuming Rose tea not only reduced cramping during periods but also noted a significant decrease in distress and anxiety. #creatorshala #reducestress #reduceanxiety #curedepression #creator #contencreator #mentalhealth

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Space is just so strange. Isn't it ? How many times have you noticed such strange looking things in the sky ? By the way, sometimes these flying stars can be the satellites, it's not necessary that all the times these are the falling stars. . . #space #astronomy #stars #star . #support #lifelessons #lessons #lesson #stand #standup #career #goals #money #psychology #psych #mentalhealth #mind #brain #successful #perspsective #goal #smile #khushi #muskan #smiling #fashion #travel #lifestyle #health #creatorshala #influencer #instagram #creator #life #good #goodness #shirt #tshirt #red #love #lovable #posts . #hustle #hustling #better #upgrad #upgrade #goodoverevil #win #childhood #devil #good #spirit #bless . #culture #indian #india #indo #indianculture #fire #color #colors #colours #colour #fashion #good #goodvibes #vibe #vibes #ishwar #abundance #photowalk #camera #dslr #mobile #mobilephotography . #gratitude #gratification #instagram #engagement #video #photography #photographer #professionalism #trailer #video #cinema #cinematics #vlog #vlogging #vlogger #creatorshala #smile #khushi #smiling #happy #happiness #fashion #travel #lifestyle #atmosphere #weather #styling #men #mensfashion #personality #mindset #entrepreneur #entrepreneurship #goals #metro #delhimetro #safar #safarnama #mindset #mindsets #positivity #attitude #creator #fashion #style #creatorshala #blogger #blogging #photography #creatorshala #influencer #love #makeup #beauty #lifestyle #styling #delhi #traveller #travel #travelling #dilli #pop #indian

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I am who I am, I am what I am, I do what I do and I ain’t never gonna do it any different. I don’t care who likes it and who doesn’t. . One's attitude should be like this, if he's feeling that he's right, and people around him is not supporting him enough or pushing him down. . Be capable of standing on your own feet by yourself, nobody else would come to pick you up and stand beside you to support you Forever. . . #support #lifelessons #lessons #lesson #stand #standup #career #goals #money #psychology #psych #mentalhealth #mind #brain #successful #perspsective #goal #smile #khushi #muskan #smiling #fashion #travel #lifestyle #health #creatorshala #influencer #instagram #creator #life #good #goodness #shirt #tshirt #red #love #lovable #posts . #hustle #hustling #better #upgrad #upgrade #goodoverevil #win #childhood #devil #good #spirit #bless . #culture #indian #india #indo #indianculture #fire #color #colors #colours #colour #fashion #good #goodvibes #vibe #vibes #ishwar #abundance #photowalk #camera #dslr #mobile #mobilephotography . #gratitude #gratification #instagram #engagement #video #photography #photographer #professionalism #trailer #video #cinema #cinematics #vlog #vlogging #vlogger #creatorshala #smile #khushi #smiling #happy #happiness #fashion #travel #lifestyle #atmosphere #weather #styling #men #mensfashion #personality #mindset #entrepreneur #entrepreneurship #goals #metro #delhimetro #safar #safarnama #mindset #mindsets #positivity #attitude #creator #fashion #style #creatorshala #blogger #blogging #photography #creatorshala #influencer #love #makeup #beauty #lifestyle #styling #delhi #traveller #travel #travelling #dilli #pop #indian

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I love women's who genuinely compliment other women.♥️ Too many women's think it's a competition these days.? Women who compliment other women are just a whole different breed.? Real Queens.?? Be a real woman.? Support, encourage, compliment and cheer other females, both in business and personal life.??And do it all with an inspiring amount of love and grace.? It's nice to be nice.✨ Spend more time empowering other women instead of tearing them down.? Empowering women is the act of selflessness.✨ To all the beautiful women's out there much love to you all.? You're beautiful.? You're strong.?? Keep Going.?? Xoxo♥️ If you agree just leave a heart ❤️ -Darshana Ravindra Surwade #empowerment #love #life #inspiration #women #womenempowerment #feminism #beauty #goals #mentalhealth #happiness #positivevibes #contentcreator #content #empoweringwomen #girlpower #womensupportingwomen #womeninbusiness #entrepreneur #bossbabe #girlboss #bhfyp #womensupportwomen #womenentrepreneurs #womenempoweringwomen #blogsbydarshana #womeninspiringwomen #womenpower #instagram #strongwomen

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Your mental health matters it is just as important as your physical health. Ik it's the worst thing to happen to someone. It's hard because we can't see any skin rashes, broken leg, broken hand, wounds. Not all wounds are visible. People are less acceptable in the case of mental health. Some people simply ignore by saying you're fine nothing happened to you. The only person who knows how he or she feels is someone who's going through this. Everyone needs to know and needs to accept that mental health is as important as our physical health. A person who has lived through the trauma has lived through a situation where his or her body, the mind was ripped from her self all he or she knew was she was in pain. It is a phase where one can't express how they feel. Anyone who's suffering from any mental health problems please seek help or anyone you know who's suffering from mental health problems tell them to seek help. Reaching out for help is brave. It's just a matter of time. You'll be fine. Your mental health is important. You are loved. You are worthy. You deserve to be happy. You are the best. To all the pretty souls out there much love to you all.? You're beautiful.? You're strong.? Keep Going.? Xoxo.♥️ If you agree just leave a heart.❤️ Tag someone who needs to know this✨ Share with someone who needs to know this? -Darshana Ravindra Surwade #mentalhealth #mentalhealthawareness #anxiety #selfcare #depression #selflove #love #health #wellness #mentalhealthmatters #motivation #therapy #mentalillness #mindfulness #healing #covid #fitness #psychology #recovery #wellbeing #ptsd #life #loveyourself #meditation #blogsbydarshana #positivevibes #positivity #happiness #quotes #bhfyp

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"FAKE" "Why are you still alive?" "You are so ugly" "Weirdo" "Pig" "Ew" "No one likes you" when people post such mean, hurtful, embarrassing messages or comments on social media it is called cyberbullying. I'm sure you all must have heard about cyberbullying. Why do people post such negative comments or messages on social media? Just because everyone's thoughts are different about a particular thing or particular content, or jealousy, personal grudges, hate etc. Have you ever thought your one negative message or your one negative comment can cause a negative impact on that person? cyberbullying is not good for one's mental health. Those offensive messages never go away, the scars remain on cyberbullies. Millions of people suffer from this every single day they get low self-esteem issues, anxiety, depression, suicidal thoughts etc It makes them feel alone, mad, silly, embarrassed, lonely worried, tired, sick, angry, not safe, fed up, stuck, nervous, confused, scared, sad. They have to deal with negative people while they are fighting with their own life. Before leaving negative comments in someone's comment section, before leaving a negative message in someone's DM or on someone's wall, Before spreading the rumours, before spreading negativity in any form on social media we need to ask ourself what if someone does the same to me? how will the person feel after reading this? Why spread negative when you can spread love and kindness and make it a better and a safe place for everyone. It takes only one click to ruin someone's life. Think before you post. Don't be mean behind the screen. Be kind. It isn't big to make others feel small. Stop Cyberbullying? To all the pretty souls out there much love to you all.? You're beautiful.? You're strong.? Keep Going.? Xoxo.♥️ If you agree just leave a heart.❤️ - Darshana Ravindra Surwade #cyberbullying #bullying #stopbullying #bullyingawareness #antibullying #love #nobullying #cybersecurity #bullyinghurts #socialmedia #onlinesafety #bully #bullyingprevention #mentalhealth #standuptobullies #internetsafety #bullyingsucks #thebullyexposed #bhfyp #blogsbydarshana #bullyexposed #safefamilyprograms #childabuseawareness

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What you're looking for isn't out there. It's in you. Always you. Stop finding happiness in other people. Be your own happiness. Stop finding for the person to love you. Love yourself first. Because Darling at the end of the day it's you only you. Love yourself because that's who you'll be spending the rest of your life with. Self-love isn't selfish. Don't be afraid to put yourself first because when no one stands with you, you stand for yourself. Self-love is important so that we know our worth so that we distance ourselves from negativity, things that tear us apart, things which destroy our inner peace. Why wait for someone to love us when we ourselves can love the person we are. Be addicted to being a better version of yourself and knowing that you can always start over if you're not proud of the life you're living. Idk how many people's out there really know how beautiful it is to love ourselves. It's an amazing journey in your life. Self-love actually helps us grow. You have a picture of you in the past and the picture of you in present. When you look back in your past you'll be able to see the difference between the old you and the new you. The old you use to think a lot about people's and the new you it hardly matters what people's think about you because you know what you are what you're doing and that's enough for you. You start cutting off people who are full of negativity, You start spreading positivity, love. You start fixing people who are broken. You're always there to help people. You're always there to tell people how amazing they are how wonderful life is. Always remember your worth of being loved. You've the power to create the life of your dreams. You're enough. You're the source of inspiration for those around you. Every day in every way you're becoming more confident. Your enough.No one is you and that's your superpower.??To all the pretty souls out there much love to you all.? You're beautiful.? You're strong.? Keep Going.? Xoxo.♥️ If you agree just leave a heart.❤️ -Darshana Ravindra Surwade #mentalhealth #mentalhealthawareness #anxiety #selfcare #depression #selflove #health #wellness #livelovelaugh #mentalhealthmatters #motivation #therapy #mentalillness #mindfulness #covid #fitness #psychology #recovery #healing #wellbeing #ptsd #inspiration #life #loveyourself #meditation #positivevibes #positivity #happiness #quotes #bhfyp

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Why should you seek help? First of all, let me tell you seeking help doesn't mean you are weak it means you're strong enough and smart enough to not put yourself in such a bad situation where you lose yourself. Every single person should put themselves first their mental health first. You should be your first priority. There is no point in being stuck in the same situation for years and years you can do so much happening things, amazing things, adventures etc in your life. Seeking help is often the first step towards moving forward in life. It's common to feel unsure whether you should seek help or handle things on your own. But it's okay to ask for help. You should ask for help because you deserve to be happy. You deserve to live. The longer this timespan, the harder the trauma is to process and recover from. MENTAL ILLNESS is not a CHOICE but RECOVERY is. Let's talk about going to THERAPY the same way we talk about going to the GYM. Mental health is important it is not a sign of weakness. Mental health is something, everyone has it is not shameful. Mental health is worth making time for. It is part of the human being as the brain is the part of the body. Mental health is something we need to look after it is not something you decide to have. Mental health is positive and negative it is not about something to think about only when it feels broken. Mental health is changeable it is not feeling good all the time. Mental health is complex it is not something you can snap out of. Mental health is real. Mental health is not always something negative mental health survivors can do wonders. To all the pretty souls out there much love to you all.? You're beautiful.? You're strong.? Keep Going.? Xoxo.♥️ If you agree just leave a heart.❤️ Tag someone who needs to know this✨ Share with someone who needs to know this? -Darshana Ravindra Surwade #mentalhealth #mentalillness #livelovelaugh #depression #anxiety #selflove #selfcare #healing #seekhelp #happiness #motivation #mentalhealthsupport #content #contentcreator #blogger #mentalhealthblogger #blogging #foryou #viral #recovery #meditation #physocology #therapy #bhfyp

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